When it comes to beer, I love surprises…this is the reason I like to make my selection based on the label alone. Using this method I have come across Imperial Stout Trooper, Hop Rod Rye, Old Rasputin and this week’s beer of choice Poperings Hommel Bier.
Even as I jot this down I am unsure of my position towards this Belgian IPA. Drinking this beer was like strolling through the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory, around ever corner seemed to be a new flavor waiting to jump on my senses.
As I pop the cork on the 750ml I am struck with the beautiful perfume brought on by the freshest of hops which I expected since the label is a spectacular landscape covered in my favorite flower.
Around the next corner of my factory tour my tulip glass filled with a magnificent honey haze below full foam that, once dissipated, left lacing throughout the entire glass. I had to take in the scent once more before rounding the next turn knowing I was falling into a trap.
These snozberries did not taste like the snozberries I was expecting. A nice symmetry of malt and hops usually reserved for a Tripel – I should have known this was coming after the large amount of carbonation on the pour. As with most of my experiences drinking a Belgian beer the first taste that hits my mouth is a large metallic tang. I am not sure if it is the combination of spices, but it soon gets lost in the citric finish I was anticipating from the hops on the label.
I give this beer a 7.5/10 - Being an extreme hop fan it was on the mellow side for my IPA taste buds, but I will not hesitate buying another bottle. I would like to find more Belgian IPAs to weigh against the Poperings Hommel Bier.
I picked this one purely for the label too. I have been buying singles, and one small ones for a leisurely friday afternoon drive home. I poured it in a travel mug that was stainless steel. I immediately tasted that metallic tang and i lurched back almost crashing into a ravine (slightly dramatized). That was the first time i really noticed the tang. What about the Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel.
ReplyDeleteChris T.
I have yet to have the Dobbelen - I will have to hunt it out. two word that go well together IPA & Tripel